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BDR has been designing applications tailored to your specific business needs for over 25 years. We employ a "best of breed" approach to the tools we use to develop your solutions. You will find no religious fanaticism distracting us from the one and only goal of making you our very satisfied customer.

As a software developer, we have a number of strategic relationships with other developers who are the tops in their fields of expertise. Whether you need a full blown commerce web site, a large facility network integration, or a little Excel macro to copy a few cells around, BDR will deliver the goods to your bottom line.   

BDR has time and time again demonstrated its technical superiority. I can think of nobody else who I would recommend as highly.
Chris Cummings
Author - SPEED 3.x


We have been a TOM support vendor for longer than we dare to admit. Let's just say that if you've got a WANG 2200, we've got you covered. But maybe you've got a farm of Windows servers connected via T-3 to your Unix-based data warehouse. Guess what? We've still got you covered.

Our expertise in TOM systems is unsurpassed in the industry. If TOM is your game BDR is your ringer. Check out our extensive library of life-extending enhancements for your TOM system.


I've worked with BDR and their technical ability is without question. We met during the beta release of SPEED 2.0 and worked together to resolve its issues. Recently I had occasion to work with BDR again on a large FourD project. It was a pleasure to again experience that same steady competence. Their grasp of the environment, comprehensive knowledge of applications, and willingness to take charge of any given situation makes them my ideal choice for systems design and programming. I rank them tops in the field.
Russ Fairchild
Author - SPEED 2.x
Author - FourD


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